Write Way Home: Writing My Way Back To A Meaningful Life


Write Way Home: Writing My Way Back To A Meaningful Life


Following a suicide attempt which left her in intensive care, author Hedley Derenzie deciced that rather than escape life, she would write her way through it. Over the course of thirty-one days, Hedley embarked on what she describes as a ‘creative pilgrimage’, where instead of walking, she would write her way back to the person she knew she was and wanted to be.

What begins as a simple yet challenging exercise quickly turns into an unexpected adventure and exploration into herself and the creative process. Along the way, Hedley meets a number of fascinating characters, does battle with inner demons and experiences a series of synchronistic and mystical events, each offering secrets and insights into what it means to live a truly fulfilling life.

Write Way Home is a personal and inspirational story about overcoming what is often our greatest obstacle: ourselves. Hedley’s story shows us that by reconnecting with our creative urgings we can overcome darkness and rediscover a sense of meaning, fulfilment and even joy, all ingredients of a rich, purposeful and long-lasting life.                               

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